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"Yes - we do love our country"
Verse 1, 7 and 8 of the national anthem
“Ja, vi elsker dette landet”
translated, the original poem by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Original: Here

Yes – we do love our country
as to life it comes,
tried and proven valid entry
by the thousand homes. –
Love it joyfully recalling
fathers’, mothers’ worth
and the night of fancy falling
bright upon the earth,
and the night of fancy falling,
bright upon, upon the earth.

All Norwegian homes and households
praise your living God!
When despairing, our strongholds,
he afforded blood!
All the fathers’ arms and struggle,
all the mothers’ cries,
did The Lord send to arrival
for the right to rise,
did The Lord send to arrival
for the right, the right to rise.

Yes – we do love our country
as to life it comes,
tried and proven valid entry
by the thousand homes. –
As the fathers’ struggle fortune
changed to fact from dearth
also we, when it a question,
will show Norway’s worth,
also we, when it a question,
will show Norway’s, Norway’s worth.

Verse 1, 7 and 8, which here are translated, are the verses which are usually sung in Norwegian.

Ja, vi elsker dette landet – Rikard Nordraak by Vaccinius 💚

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